Summer 2013 In Pictures
| RedakceThe summer is definitely over. It was hot and full of extraordinary experiences. Let´s remember some of them now. We hope you will enjoy some of the scooter summer shots of various events and that looking at them will warm you up a little bit in this chilly, winter time. It had a great effect on us while we were going through all of them.

The season started quite early this year: in Tuchoměřice, people were riding scooters already in March. The third floor of a recently opened hall got transformed into slalom and speed tarck for one evening and it enabled the company BDP-WAKESTONE to liven up their opening programme of a new logistic area.

City On A Bike
The festival called “City on a bike“ as well as a warm april weekend attracted various vehicles to Dvořák´s riverbank in Prague. The scooter with a saddle designed by Pavlína Bláhová and small racers on running bikes were a big success. We were pleased to meet scooter riders from Finland who came to say hello to our booth.

From One Hill To Another – Around The Wine Cellars On Scooters
This year we brought to Vrbice, where the traditional spring wine tasting takes place, not only a number of scooters for rent but also, for the very first time, a mobile scooter museum. The older models were perfectly contrasting the newer ones, used for a competition and as a means of transport to get to tasting the delicate wines.

Big Yedoo Scooter Contest With Čtyřlístek
This year was a big one in Stromovka. The second year of scooter contest with Čtyřlístek was attended by more than 300 racers. Organizers had to adjust the programme as well as add rides so that all enthusiasts were involved and happy. The four main Čtyřlístek - Czech famous cartoon characters (Fifinka, Myšpulín, Piňďa and Bobík) - were very busy all the time: they were cheering, welcoming their fans and distributing medals.

Witch On Wheels
The witches of Ladronka were flying on wheels this year. According to them, it is more practical than a traditional broom.

Student Majáles – Get Closer To The Music
Students from Brno rented scooters to move around a spacious area where the concerts of this year´s Majáles took place. The spring celebration with scooters became a great ride.

Scooter Competition In Říčany
Grand Prix in Říčany has been a very popular event since long ago. This year as well, the main square of a tiny Czech town was full of little as well as big fans of scooters.

When The Muddy Pant Legs Become A Valued Trophy
In spite of quite bad weather conditions at the time of scooter competition that was held in a family centre Kroužky na Vltavě, the scooter ride made all the racers smile. Except for tiny awards, the competitors proudly brought back home also some mud on their pant legs.

Containers To The World
The cultural festival “Containers to the world“ revived the public area and enriched forgotten public open spaces with a number of various activities. In Zlín, a container called Relax, in which a tea-room and a scooter rental was placed by the organizers, made a sleepy Fugner riverbank become lively again.

Men To Themselves Alias Men´s Ride On Scooters
Smooth asphalt, incredibly long slopes on calm roads and adrenalin rides in the forest – this is how the guys from Yedoo team enjoyed the third weekend of June in the surroundings of Příbram.

Vivid Streets In Pilsen
Multicultural festival Živá ulice (Vivid Street) revived the sleepy summer streets in the centre of Pilsen. The Yedoo scooters added up to an amazing atmosphere, they simply do belong to the city.

Olomouc In September
Vzáří (Septembeam Festival) is a luminous design and video mapping show festival. During the evening, the visitors were riding scooters to see outstanding light instalations, brought to Olomouc by artists from all around the world. During the day, scooters were used as means of transport by kids and wedding guests.