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No Things. No Design. Designblok 2015 Provoked and Defended Freedom

The motto of this year's festival of contemporary design of domestic and international artists was freedom. Inner freedom, creative freedom, and intellectual and political freedom. Freedom was omnipresent at this event and became reflected in the conception of Yedoo exposition which has introduced a road scooter Yedoo Wolfer.

To those who could not come to Holešovice Exhibition Grounds last week, we are bringing a few tidbits and inspirational insights.

“Our life lost idealism that is able to use bold visions to shift and open society´s borders," came from the mouth of the organizers of the show. "Although freedom is basically incompatible with design that is limited by function, task and money, it´s important for us to ponder over freedom,” the Designblok Director Jana Zielinski went on explaining.

No Things. No Design.

A new view of liberty has been brought to Prague by Dutch designer Sander Vassing, who calls himself a nomad. His exposition No Thing. No Design was dominated by a chair of bricks. It was loosely followed by a nomadic study of living in an area of 2.5 m² by a pair of Polish designers from the studio chmara.rosinke. How many things do we need and to which extent do we want to surround ourselves with them?

Vitra brand entrusted students of Applied Arts in Prague with their installation representing a multifunctional desk Hack and a working chair Allstar. They created an alternative space where in solidarity coexisted the experimental cuisine Ambiente, the broadcasting studio Radio 1, a workshop for students and a party room.

Ton let visitors freely transform their new chair, designed by the renowned French designer Arik Levi. Daredevils could paint it according to their wishes. Someone wrote Yedoo onto the Ton studio´s floor.

The nomad armchair by the Dutch designer Sander Vassing •	A conception of living opening questions of mobility, ecology and surrounding ourselves with things. From Formafantasma´s workshop which says: Design as a discipline should give rise to socio-cultural and even political changes.

Vitra brand entrusted students of Applied Arts in Prague with their installation representing a multifunctional desk Hack and a working chair Allstar. They created an alternative space where in solidarity coexisted the experimental cuisine Ambiente, the broadcasting studio Radio 1, a workshop for students and a party room. 

•	Standard office equipment does not go down well with the young generation - the multifunctional desk Hack is meeting their demands. It can be easily converted to a sofa, a sound mixing studio, a workroom or a notice-board.
• Standard office equipment does not go down well with the young generation - the multifunctional desk Hack is meeting their demands. It can be easily converted to a sofa, a sound mixing studio, a workroom or a notice-board.

Ton let visitors freely transform their new chair, designed by the renowned French designer Arik Levi. Daredevils could paint it according to their wishes. Someone wrote Yedoo onto the Ton studio´s floor.

•	Ton, bentwood furniture mark transforms the past into the future.
• Ton, bentwood furniture mark transforms the past into the future.

Boneshaker Circus and Yedoo Scooter

Well, and what was the Yedoo exposition, designed by Studio Najbrt, like? "To introduce the aggressively fast scooter Yedoo Wolfer we created a tough, metal spectacle in the form of an animated film, which somewhat compensates sleek interior exhibitions of Designblok," says studio´s artistic director Zuzana Lednická. "The story takes place in the circus environment that corresponds to the Holešovice Exhibition Grounds as the traditional habitat of merry-go-rounds, shooting ranges and autodromes." The film was drawn by Eva Maceková and directed by Tomáš Luňák. The story was written by Zuzana Lednická together with Michal Nanoru.

The design of the new line of sports scooters headed by Yedoo Wolfer has been co-created by Yedoo designers and the prominent Czech designer Jaroslav Juřica.

An Animal Story

A forest. The Wolf's Lair decorated with trophies from scooter competitions and posters of metal bands. The Wolf is rehearsing the guitar when he hears bangs above his head. The ceiling is starting to fall onto his head. He sticks his head out of the burrow and sees enormous spikes piercing a tree. A strange biker is nailing an invitation to BONESHAKER CIRCUS over the poster for his performance ...

To see more of our Designblok photoes go to our Facebook page.


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