How a Scooter Brought Joy Back to Pavel´s Life
| Vendula KosíkováA scooter helped Pavel Němec overcome his life crises. “I simply removed the worries out of my life through riding,“ confided in us the computer graphic who created a cartoon spot for Yedoo out of his gratitude for having recaptured his lost life balance.

Love at first push off
Pavel Němec (39) has started to feel passionate about scooters already in his childhood. “When cycling I hated my heart beating fiercely during my uphill rides. It did not happen with a scooter, I just pushed it uphill,“ Pavel recalls.
He got his coveted scooter with a seat and inflatable tires from his dad when he was twelve. It was no new model but it made everything to Pavel, fun as well as means of transport. He rode it everywhere, even to his family´s 23 km distant cottage. “ A neighbor from the village prophesied that I ´d be riding a scooter even when joining up the military and it really came true. But – then I had a family and my band´s concerts started…and there was no time for riding.“
Tiredness, stress, burnout
Long hours at the computer, work stress, lack of exercise and playing at nights with the band did its job. Fatigue, chronic back pain and mental exhaustion came. Paul was on the verge of burnout. He has pulled the emergency brake at the last minute.
“Fortunately just in that time I had a glimpse of Yedoo Mezeq somewhere on the internet and it was clear right at that moment.“
Paul decided to leave his lucrative job and have a couple of months off. Barely he brought his scooter home from the DHL central warehouse (he could not even wait for the carrier to deliver it), and things began to improve.
Here They Come
Pavel sang out his love for scooters also with the band "Frank and Me" in the song "Here They Come." The song´s video as well as the cartoon spot can be found on the right at the page or on
"Again, I was happy in the world, I had no idea scooters for adults are produced, too. From spring until autumn of 2011, I traveled almost every day. Sometimes I set out in the morning and returned only in the evening, tired but happy. It seems to me that with every kilometer, one of my worries fell away.
Also, I lost 10 kilos, met a lot of new routes (I recommend the bike trail along the Jihlava river with a stop in Luka) and enjoyed the overall attention of people. I was proud of my scooter, as if I´ve bought a new car. People addressed me, they wanted to try out the scooter. After a long time, I again had a zest for life. I then decided that in return I will help Yedoo to get their scooters to people,” Pavel concludes his story.
Pavel Němec, Yedoo Spot, his 6-year old daughter´s story
Dad says that he has to sit in the office for a long time and then he has a backache. He says that the best worldview is from a horseback, but he always fell off a horse. He can´t even ride a bike properly, and then it´s hard for him to sit at work. So he decided to do something about it. He went to a store to get some advice. Mr. Salesman had a magic button. Dad has never seen so many beautiful scooters before. He chose a beautiful scooter there. Since then, daddy is sooo happy. Yedoo - changes your worldview.
Life balance
After a few months´ break, Pavel Němec returned to his profession, working freelance now with his Yedoo Rodstr scooter leaning against his desk. It helps him maintain his newfound life balance.
His cartoon spot subtitled Yedoo Changes Your Worldview has been seen on FB nearly by 9,000 people. We would like to thank him for his support in this way and wish you a joyful ride.
for him to sit at work. So he decided to do something about it. He went to a store to get some advice. Mr. Salesman had a magic button. Dad has never seen so many beautiful scooters before. He chose a beautiful scooter there. Since then, daddy is sooo happy. Yedoo - changes your worldview.