
Marek Jelínek

#Yedoosupports | since 2014

When he was little, he travelled with his finger on the map. Now he makes his childhood dreams come true, seeing the world himself from the footboard of his scooter. He has already crossed South America, Asia and travelled around Africa. “It does not matter, really, if you are in Peru, Nepal or Cambodia. A scooter can break barriers, open people’s hearts and make a thousand eyes laugh anywhere on Earth.


Napříč Latinskou Amerikou

Marek Jelínek během své první 6 000 km dlouhé výpravy poznal na 15 latinskoamerických států. Na koloběžce naučil jezdit indiány z kmene Shipibo, Bora a Camisea, vyškrábal se na Machu Picchu a překonal Andy.

Z nového Dillí do Singapuru 

Across Latin America

During his first 6,000-kilometre-long expedition, Marek Jelínek saw 15 Latin American countries. He taught the Shipibo, Bora and Camisea Indians to ride a scooter, climbed the Machu Picchu and overcame the Andes.

From New Delhi to Singapore 

He did not fear discomfort in Asia, either, he faced scorching Indian heat, monsoon floods in Laos and a challenging climb to the Annapurnas. In addition to having travelled more than 7,000 km on the scooter, he also managed to raise more than CZK 100,000 as part of the Dobroběžka project to help children in the slums of Bangladesh.

Marek has published a book about his Asian travels entitled Dobroběžník mezi světy (An Adventure Trotter between the Worlds). Make sure you read it. It is full of beautiful photographs and unbelievable stories.  

Travelling in Africa

At the beginning of January 2020, Marek flew to Cape Town to begin his third expedition there, from South Africa to Egypt. The planned route reached the incredible length of 12,700 kilometres and this time Marek brought his girlfriend Dominika along. Their journey ended after only three months in Uganda, though, due to the rapidly advancing covid-19 pandemic. 

Talks from the Beskydy mountains

Marek and Dominika are currently dwelling in a caravan in the middle of beautiful hills in Beskydy. Marek is writing his second book there based on his travelogues, he is working on a documentary about Africa, films interviews with interesting people from Bohemia and he is waiting to be able to go exploring the world from the footboard of a scooter again. 

Mohlo by vás zajímat

# Travelling

Marek and the Good Scooter. On a scooter in Asia

18. 12. 2018 | Vendula Kosíková

The traveler Marek Jelínek made a journey from New Delhi to Malaysia on a scooter last year to meet the world and support a project for educating Bangladeshi slum children at the same time. He crossed nine states, ascended thousands of meters to Annapurnas, sustained week-long rains in the Laos monsoon, and after seven months successfully ended his pilgrimage up in Singapore.

# Travelling, All Yedoo articles

A Scooter Expedition to Teach You

4. 10. 2017 | Vendula Kosíková

The "How far we can go" scooter expedition across Central and South America thoroughly sifted not only the Yedoo Trexx scooter but also all its participants. We talked to Marek Jelínek about everything that can be experienced in 238 days and 6,000 km on the footboard of a scooter.

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