Nine reasons to buy your kids a scooter
| Vendula KosíkováParents used to have a problem getting their children home on time, now they have to come up with tricks to get them out in the open. Riding a scooter is one of the activities that is definitely worth trying. Children like that scootering is not about performance but about the sheer joy of movement. Besides, riding a scooter has many other benefits. Which ones are they?

1. Anyone can manage to ride a scooter
PS: Do not forget to see to it that your children switch legs regularly.
Riding a scooter is easy and any child can manage, yours included. How to go about it? Look at our practical tips for how to teach children to ride a scooter.
2. Excellent preparation for riding a bike
Riding a scooter develops motor skills, a sense of balance and brings the joy from movement out in the fresh air. Handling balance and visual motor coordination (eye - hand connection) will easily prepare them for riding a bicycle.
3. Undemanding for space
In order for kids to enjoy riding a scooter, they do not need as much space and great distances as they do when riding a bicycle, for example. It is often enough for children to just circle around the yard in front of the house or in the immediate neighbourhood.

4. Improvement of fitness
Allowing children to decide about everything will not pay off. It is more advisable for you to simply announce your intention to them in advance. You of course need to plan the activities so that they would enjoy being outside, though. Prepare a slalom made of pebbles for the kids, riding over obstacles, making figure-of-eights etc.
Riding a scooter will improve the children's fitness without them even noticing. They will perceive their body better and feel the mental wellbeing that the movement brings them. They will be in a better mood, have greater appetite, more energy for homework etc. Children will learn that switching between activities is beneficial for them.
5. A fantastic sidekick
With a scooter, they will never feel lonely even if riding along outside. The scooter will become a superb sidekick for them for imaginary adventurous expeditions, police action or trips to other dimensions.

6. An excellent means of transport
A scooter is an excellent means of transport and a way to avoid crowded subway, busses and trams. A scooter will speed up the journey to the playground, to see a friend, to pre-school or school.
7. A way to greater self-confidence and new friends
Having mastered the ride and care for a scooter (parking, storing it away) will fortify children in all respects. They will learn to overcome discomfort, which will prepare them for life wonderfully. A scooter can also help children find new friends and enjoy shared fun with them.

8. New knowledge, practical abilities as well as recognition
Children will acquire a lot of useful knowledge in the realm of mechanics and traffic rules. In a natural way, they will learn how to inflate a tyre, they will find out that a well-inflated tyre rides more easily, learn about how brakes work, why brakes heat up, what the momentum is, or rolling resistance etc.
With their dad's help, boys will tighten screws, check the brakes, glue up their friend's punctured inner tube and will receive much credit for doing so.
With a scooter, kids will simply be happier, healthier, freer as well as more responsible.

9. Yedoo scooters will last for several generations
Quality scooters will outlast several generations of children, and if you have no one to pass the scooter on to, you can easily sell it in one of the bazaars with items for children. This is what the experience of parents, who have bought a Yedoo scooter or balance bike for their children, says. Ta-da